how does one fine an appropriate subdomain for a blog?
(not to mention a name!).
seems like any semi-amusing idea that comes to my mind, already occurred to some lost soul at 2006.
some ideas:
* contemporaryhistory - taken by some iranian guy
* most 4 digit numbers: the first I tried was available. I tried other numbers - they were all taken!
* pinesenlargment - seems available. but may be too rough around the edges...
* myblogsname - taken, obviouslyyyyyyy
* any historical date - 1492, 1948, 1967 (and where were you in 1973?)
* billgaits - this one was free! can't believe I gave it up.
well, a decision had to be made, and I guess I am they person to make that decision.
stay tuned for my next posts about the economy, software development, shopping, and that big chasm in your chest you keep hoping to fill one day.